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What does it mean to be an accredited school?The Academy at Ocean Reef, like many other independent schools, examines and is examined by periodically by its professional peers in Independent education in order to become accredited. These are highly respected agencies which have a long distinguished history of service to private education, grant a certification of competency, authority and credibility to independent schools. These accreditation agencies determine that the school is doing what it represents itself to do and that it is operating in an ethical and professional manner. The Academy at Ocean Reef is accredited by the National Association of Independent Schools, and the Florida Council of Independent Schools.
When was The Academy at Ocean Reef founded?The Academy at Ocean Reef Inc., originally The Schoolhouse at Ocean Reef, Inc., was founded in 1989 by a group of Ocean Reef community members seeking a quality school within the Ocean Reef Community.
Where is The Academy at Ocean Reef located?In 2002, The Academy at Ocean Reef moved into its new 23,000 square foot facility on South Harbor Drive. The facility includes 10 classrooms with movable walls, a science lab, an art, a music room, a library, and a large 15,000 square foot screened courtyard. The school also has a 2,000 square foot air conditioned multi-purpose room, which serves as the cafeteria and gymnasium. A play area was designed utilizing the latest playground equipment and ground covering, to promote physical development, as well as student safety. The school offers a safe, secure environment within the gates on The Ocean Reef Club.
Is The Academy under the umbrella of The Ocean Reef Club?No, The Academy is a separate independent corporation.
Who can be a student?The Academy at Ocean Reef enrolls children of members of the Ocean Reef Club, the employees of the Ocean Reef Club and ORCA, businesses and homeowners within the Ocean Reef, and highly qualified students from adjacent communities to Ocean Reef.
Who oversees The Academy at Ocean Reef?The Board of Trustees governs The Academy at Ocean Reef and is accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools and is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools.
Does The Academy at Ocean Reef offer a seasonal program?The Academy at Ocean Reef offers a seasonal program, a School-away-from-School program, for students in Toddler through 8th grade, whereby the children and grandchildren of members can spend time at Ocean Reef while keeping up with their home school. The students can attend The Academy at Ocean Reef for a minimum of two weeks or for several months working in their home school’s curriculum or in The Academy at Ocean Reef’s academic program.
Does The Academy at Ocean Reef offer financial assistance?The Academy at Ocean Reef offers financial aid to families who qualify. The school uses FAST part of Independent School Management. Parents interested in financial assistance can contact the Business Office for the necessary forms, and submit the forms directly to FAST. The information submitted to FAST is confidential.
What are the class sizes?Our average student to teacher ratio is 6:1, and The Academy strives to keep all classes at 15 students or less. Each classroom, Toddler-5th grade, is led by a Head teacher and teaching assistant. The small class sizes provide a “family like” atmosphere, meeting individual needs, and attaining individual success.
Do the students wear uniforms?The school uniform is required for all students from Toddler through eighth grade. Uniforms may be obtained from Lands End. Students are expected to be well groomed and neat in appearance. Policies on all aspects of school life are in the Student Handbook.
What curriculum does The Academy at Ocean Reef follow?The Academy at Ocean Reef offers a challenging well-rounded curriculum, based on national and independent school standards. The students are placed on their instructional levels in reading and math. In certain situations students may be placed in accelerated classes with students who are enrolled in the grade ahead. The school year is divided into trimesters, and report cards are distributed at the end of each grading period.
Does the Academy engage its students in educational opportunities off campus?Partnering with local organizations such Mote Marine Lab and Coral Restoration Foundation, All Academy students, K-8, participate in multiple field based learning opportunities throughout the school year.
Does The Academy at Ocean Reef have a library?The Academy at Ocean Reef has a full size library with a collection of over 4300 books and AV materials. The PTO sponsors an annual book fair.
Does The Academy at Ocean Reef have a science lab?Middle School students enjoy a well-equipped Science Lab. The Lab provides the space and equipment for hands-on lessons and experiments. Students in grade PS- grade 5 explore science concepts in their classrooms and outdoors.
What extracurricular classes are offered?After school activities are provided by the Ocean Reef Club. The Academy at Ocean Reef sponsors “lifelong” sports including tennis, golf, sailing, swimming and pickleball for students grades 2-8. The Extended Care program is also available to all students on Monday-Thursday from 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. and on Friday from 2:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Do the teachers have the necessary qualifications?The faculty is highly qualified, certified, experienced, and dedicated to implementing The Academy at Ocean Reef’s curriculum. The staff includes classroom teachers, a physical education teacher, art teacher, Spanish teacher, and a librarian/media specialist.
Is The Academy at Ocean Reef accredited?The Academy at Ocean Reef is accredited by the Florida Council of Independent Schools (FCIS) and a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS).
Are there volunteer opportunities for the parents and friends of the school?The Academy at Ocean Reef welcomes parental involvement and encourages them to serve as volunteers. The school has a very active Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) that provides many services to the school. Many friends of The Academy at Ocean Reef and members of the community also volunteer.
What are The Academy at Ocean Reef's annual fundraisers?In addition to it's annual giving campaign, The Academy hosts one major fundraiser event each year during the spring.
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